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oogle is throwing their hat into the ring with their new AI tool, Bard, to try and topple Microsoft's ChatGPT. Students are turning to ChatGPT more and more these days, but the downside is that their reliance on AI makes them slothful - leading to scores of students cheating.

Google Just Rolled out Their Newest Innovation—Bard

Google has launched its conversational AI technology, Bard, to compete with OpenAI's ChatGPT. The product will be integrated into Google's search offering and will be tested by select users before launching widely. During a livestreamed event in Paris, Google's Search boss, Prabhakar Raghavan, demonstrated some of Bard's features, including displaying the pros and cons of buying an electric car and planning a road trip. However, reports have pointed out that Bard, like other AI tools, can be inaccurate and Google has confirmed it will be conducting a rigorous testing process. Google CEO Sundar Pichai has announced that all workers will be required to test Bard in a hackathon-style event.


ChatGPT Assists Students, Yet Cases of Academic Dishonesty Also Increase

OpenAI's latest chatbot, ChatGPT, is being used by students to write papers and essays. Some students use the AI output as is, while others edit it to pass plagiarism detection tools. The makers of TurnItIn, one of the most commonly used plagiarism detection tools, claim they can detect AI-generated writing by analyzing patterns of high-probability words and a lack of human touch. However, cheating has increased due to the stress and uncertainty caused by the pandemic, with some universities reporting a more than threefold increase in academic misconduct.


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